Architectural Detailing

2018/4/8 –

We’re taking an educational trip to Alaska, touring different facilities and seeing different ways of solving Architectural problems and came across this detail in a organic grocery store.  We appreciated how the Architect had lined the vestibule interior walls with OSB sheathing, attaching the sheathing at 2′-0″ centers with a nickel finished screw.  1/4″ reveals between panels were painted black beyond.  It gave the vestibule a raw, rustic appearance that was balanced well with the care taken to create the reveals and the placement of the screws.  On the exterior of the building the Architect created a nice awning structure made of galvanized steel and exterior grade parallel strand lumber.  The steel base to the column protects the wood from the Alaskan weather.  The angled steel posts minimize the amounts of columns and add interest to what would otherwise be a fairly ordinary colonnade.


Non-destructive Investigation of Buildings


Redbud Park – NOTO