30 Minutes of Architecture

2018/3/4 – Many of our clients don’t need “Architecture” in the traditional sense of the word.  They want assistance meeting the minimum requirements of the City for a permit and they want to figure the rest out as they go.  The above image represents that.  Our Owner (formerly in the construction industry) sat down with us for 30 minutes and had a design session that gave him a layout for his business he was happy with.  Soon we will draft this plan for him to bring to the bank for a loan, then we will do a simple code footprint and coordinate the MEP design.  Finally we will help him identify a qualified contractor.  Because we minimized our scope of work on his project we were able to offer an extremely low fee.  Moral of the story:  discuss scope of work with your Architect.  What do you want them to do and what are you willing/able to do yourself?

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Hillcrest Community Center & Park Master Plan
