A Christmas Miracle - Larned Water Tower Lighting

We recently finished a design-build project for the City of Larned at their water tower. P1 provided the install of the lights and we specified the lights and provided project management. We upgraded their lighting system with new colored integral LED “Jelly Jar/Vapor proof” lights with an 100,000 hour life.

The city had historically had colored lights on the tower that they lit up during the holiday season, but it had not been functioning for many years. The historic lights were type “A” incandescent bulbs that had an extremely short shelf life. Replacing the lights when they broken or burned out was a major ordeal.

The new lights we helped them to have installed should have a 10+ year life and be protected from hail and other damage.

Read a great story in the local paper below about how we helped with a “Christmas Miracle” by solving some supply chain issues for our Client!



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