Falk Architects Office Remodel Update
We bought an old building in the NOTO Arts & Entertainment District about 2-1/2 years ago to turn into an office. The pandemic hit shortly after, then for some reason the amount of people building went through the roof. We’ve been putting our clients projects first for the last couple of years, but finally we’ve made some time to finish the designs and send to a few contractors for bid. We asked a few of our favorite contractors that have given us the most business since we opened to bid on it and bids are due end of March. We hope the construction will be complete by August 1st!
Our design takes a former alley and transforms it into a slick, but long and skinny open office. It’s about 16’ wide by 140’ long. We’re looking forward to having restaurants, breweries and shopping within a block!
The renderings below are studies we created to help us decide which type of office furniture to select for our workstations.