Building Tour – Thomas Hart Benton

2018/2/7 – We toured the Thomas Hart Benton Home in Kansas City following an inspection on a nearby construction site.  His home and studio is now a State Historic Site and has remained almost entirely unchanged since his death in 1975.  It’s amazing to see the same paintbrushes that he painted with in the same location as they were at the end of his life.  You can see the furniture that he sat on (which despite the very elaborate house was very modest), the clothes he and his wife wore still hang in his closet, and some of the original art he created is still hanging on his walls.  Benton was a rarity in the art world because he “made it” in his lifetime.  We encourage you to check out this house as well as the surrounding Valentine neighborhood, full of historic mansions.


The Wave Wall – Architectural Detailing


Typical Fee Structures for Architects