Architectural Design Phases

2017/12/19 – We find many of our clients don’t understand Architect lingo (and why would they unless they’re immersed within it like us?).  To help out with one aspect of this problem we have created a simplified breakdown of the typical design stages Architects will go through on a project.  One should think of these phases as a funnel where Architects start broadly with initial concepts and get more and more precise with each phase, eventually leading to a complete building.

  • Programming – determine what type of spaces the building requires and the size and adjacencie requirements of those spaces.

  • Schematic Design – major spatial concepts will be realized, floor plan and massing model typically created.

  • Design Development – Begin to incorporate building systems into the design like structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing.  Develop the design further.

  • Construction Documents – Create “blue prints” and specifications for contractors to bid and build the the project.  Create the final level of detail in the design.

  • Bidding and Negotiation – Assist the Owner with inviting Contractors to bid and selecting the best bidder.

  • Construction Administration – Regularly review construction progress and make sure it conforms with the requirements of the Construction Documents.  Address and assist with any changes to the contract during construction.

These stages are important in that a buildling Owner will want to move through them linearly for maximum efficiency and to keep Architectural fees low.  For instance, an Owner wouldn’t want to get to the end of the Construction Documents phase then decide that they want to dramatically change the design.  This would cause the Architect and Engineering team to have to perform alot of additional work and slow the project down.  On larger projects, we find it is important to get the Owners consent to move to the next phase and explain to them what this means.


2018…our 3rd Year in Business!


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