They don’t build them like they used to…

Topeka Water Treatment Facility

Topeka Water Treatment Facility

2018/7/22 –

It’s a cliché that rings true – “They don’t build  them like they used to.”  Most Topekans are probably unfamiliar with the building below because it is blocked off to the public with key fob controlled gates. The building can be glimpsed from the north side of I70 while driving between Gage and MacVicar.  We’ve been great admirers of (what we could see of) the building from I70 but finally get to see it up close as we work on a Meter Services Remodel for the City of Topeka.  Many of the spaces we are renovating have large arched windows, high ceilings, clerestory light and exposed structure.  We are excited about this opportunity to create a great space for the City of Topeka!


Meeting #1 – 10 Plan Options


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